After a slow and cold start, the summer is shaping up to be a good one. At home, my renovation of my front rock garden is on-going, and we’ve enjoyed having all the space to experiment with. My 5 year old daughter and I planted a rainbow garden. After being nearly wiped out by the hail in early July, it has grown back nicely. The flowers are as follows: red geraniums, orange zinnias, yellow marigolds, green curled parsley, blue lobelia, indigo pansies and violet petunias. It’s wonderful having a ton of parsley to pick for tabouleh salads.
My first project this spring was in Wentworth. I create a colorful shade garden in the front yard last fall, and this year completed the sunny garden in the back yard. It was such a pleasure to work with such a lovely client, and I enjoyed creating the tapestry of flowers for her. Here are some pictures of the garden after 2 months of growth. The vegetables were planted in cedar raised beds, and weren’t planted until about June 15th. It’s amazing how quickly they have grown. I used top soil, compost, zeolite and coir to fill the beds.
I hope you are enjoying your garden this summer!