Join us for our “Perfect Planters” class.
This class will run Thursday May 5th at 7 p.m., Saturday May 7th at 2 p.m. and Tuesday May 10th at 7 p.m. Locations will be announced later, but will be fairly central. Cost: $20 per person or $30 per couple, payable by Paypal. Registration in advance is required, please call 403-990-8240. Refreshments, door prizes and more!
Perfect Planters will cover:
- How to choose the perfect planter to add beauty to your home’s exterior.
- Size matters! How to balance the size of the container with the size of the plants. (Avoiding the dreaded teeny little container in front of a large house)
- Make your plants thrive! We’ll teach you how to choose the proper soils and amendments, as well as managing water within the container, so that your plants grow and thrive and continue to bloom all season long.
- Colour Colour Colour! What works together? How many colours should be used? How do you use colour to create a bold statement and avoid that ‘messy’ look.
- How to choose plants to give the maximum amount of colour throughout the season. (Plants that bloom from early spring to late fall.)
- Amaze all the senses! Intoxicating scents, silky textures, delicious tastes, and even graceful sounds make your containers delight all the senses.
- Make your planters do more: Topics such as space saving planters, privacy and wind screen planters, and container food growing will also be explored
Can’t find your green thumb? We teach classes on a variety of gardening topics. Feel free to inquire to see if we are teaching a class on a specific topic. We are also able to teach classes to your group of children and adults.